For our church youth, there is a special night set aside, we call it the “Salute to Seniors”. A video is shown with pictures of each of them from infancy on to many pictures of their involvement in our group. Some we have known since they were little. Others have come as recently as this year and have been a joy to get to know. Each of them are given an opportunity to share what they hope to be doing next and many thank their families and friends who have been there to support them through the years. There is then a time of prayer where the teens join their families around the room to be prayed for by parents and friends. It is a special time to join in and uphold the teen and their families to our God who loves them.
This year, the student that I work with at a local high school got to “walk” for graduation. It is a special day where both city high schools come together for a time of celebration instead of competition. Over 800 students graduated that day. I was able to join my student’s family during the ceremony and watch as their daughter walked across the stage. I am so thankful for them and I am privileged to be able call Bec (mom) my friend. Time goes too quickly whenever we chat.
Thankfully I will be able to continue working with them next school year also.
I am a richer person because of all of the teens that I have come to know and love. They are precious people! Several of the graduates have been in my small group at church this year. I will miss them - Alyssa, Caitlyn, Christina and Lauren. Together we have laughed at silly things, worked while serving others, and prayed for each other for so many different things. Those are just the ones in my group this year. There are many others also from other years, Emily, Hannah, Brianna, Michelle, Christiana
Again – it is a joy and honor to call you my friends.
I love you all!