WOW!! Has it been a year since I've updated this thing? How do I capture it all in a short time & space. I'll try with some photos. First, Grandma Grace is still with us. She is a precious woman whom I love dearly.
There was Dale and my 30th anniversary, my folks 55th anniversary, and Dale's folks 60th anniversary. What a tremendous blessing to be a part of families who are committed to our God and to each other!!

There have been vacations to Door county with all of us, a trip out East to see Josh and Lauren, a trip to FL to see Mom & Dad and Sharyn along the way. A stop in Grand Rapids on the way back for Zach's recital. Just got back from a week camping near Superior. We have been so blessed. I'll share more in detail later.
Thoughts for now: It rained this morning. I love the rain. Things here are so dry and I listened and watched as I was having my time with God. It's as if I could hear the earth sighing with the relief that the rains brought and I was reminded of the verses from Ps. 42:1-2 "As deer panted for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." I was so thankful for an unhurried time with God, time to be refreshed, to sit in His presence and be filled with the awareness of a God who loves with an "unfailing love". I AM BLESSED.
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