I love Christmas. The thought of Christ's coming to earth is something that at times I have a hard time comprehending. Why would He do that? Does He really love us that much? In the quiet times of contemplation I am humbled by His love for me. And only when I see Him face to face, will I understand more fully how that all played out in my life.
I love Christmas Eve, the time with family, the candle light service at church, the children's faces lit by the candles. It has a certain magic about it.
But then I'm distracted by what has become one of the many Vinson traditions. It's the candles....and what the men in my life do with those candles during the service. I believe that it was Dale who first noticed years ago that when warmed by the hand the candles become very pliable. In fact they can be twisted, bent or curled into all sorts of shapes. Now, I understand the learning styles of my "boys" and that having something to do while listening is helpful at times. But NOW? While I'm listening to the story and message I am also trying not to take too much notice of the creativity that is in the hands of those next to me. Oh, man and Zach's sitting by the isle. How many rows back are people watching what he is doing? It soon has become a twisted candy cane! Am I the only one in my family who thinks this is a little out of place? Apparently!
We always get together with my Dad's side of the family. We rent a town hall because there's just too many of us for a house. It is often the one time of the year that I see some of my cousins and their kids. It is good to get caught up with them and try to remember all of their kid's names.
It is the one time of the year that I have "raw beef and onions on rye". I love it. I know that some of you might be going, "Yuck!" "Your taking your life in your hands." Well, if that's that only time I live dangerously, that's not too bad.
Then after the gifts are all opened and the kids are now running around with their noisy toys, someone begins the next tradition - the wrapping paper begins to fly! From across the room it comes.... look out! Soon paper is flying all over the place. Sometimes you're prepared for it, other times not. I felt bad for my Grandma when she would be there. She must have thought everyone was nuts.
And of course there were times when she would get hit also. "Oops, sorry Grandma."

Here is actual proof that Terry is one of the instigators.

Christmas Eve we spent a quiet night with Dale's Mom and Dad. Neither Sharyn & Al nor Lori & Gary could make it up this year. So Ed & Ruth flew out Christmas day to Sharyn & Al's. They spent a week there and were able to see their first great-grandson, Jacob Levi, son of Alia and Ryan.

Christmas day we spend at my Mom and Dad's.

There are always the brats and hamburgers for lunch with banana splits for dessert.
There is always lots of laughter. At the end of the day we have our eggnog toasts, where each of us, young and old alike, share something that we are thankful for from the past year or what we look forward to in the next. There are always tears. There are those that aren't with us - Daniel in Iraq and Josh & Lauren in Philly. They were all missed terribly. May next year find us all together again.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
A Belated Merry Christmas!
What sweet memories.
I love raw beef and onions. I always remember having that at your mom and dad's house, the one next door, not the one they live in now. Just enjoy the creativity of the candle making by those boys.
My Christmas here in Iraq was really nice, nothing too fancy though. I can say one thing, I WILL be home for Christmas this time! Yay! I cant wait to see everyone again! You all are missed dearly! ~Danny
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