Linda and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We were neighbors, classmates and attended the same church. That meant we were in the same Sunday School classes, youth group, attended church camp together and even sang together. We were together when we made our S.S. teacher cry – and they weren’t tears of joy either, sorry to say.
With another friend, the 3 of us pooled our great resources and bought a little tent which we would camp in during the summer. We would set it up in the back field behind my parent’s house, in fact, right where my house now sets. We would run through the fields in the middle of the night getting wet up to our knees from the alfalfa. Then we would lay on the highway that was still warm from the summer sun. Those were the years of trying to figure out who we were and who we wanted to be. There was the typical Jr. High game of Truth or Dare and others while we camped that seem to be almost a rite of passage. And I remember saying good-bye in her driveway the day that she left for college.
We stood up in each others weddings and celebrated with the birth of each of our kids.
We would go for quite a while without seeing each other or talking. But, it is so wonderful to be able to pick up almost right where we left off years before. I have been so thankful that for the past several years we have made it a point to do a better job of keeping in touch. I actually think that Linda worked on that before I did. I am so blessed by her friendship.
So last week did a project together. She had brought along a small bookcase that we painted and then did a feather technique to add other colors.
Late one night, when it was the height of the Perseid Showers, we laid out on a blanket and watched the show. Well, it wasn’t much of a show, it was rather slow. We only stayed out ‘til midnight so we didn’t see a lot of them. But, it was a wonderful time to talk, lying there looking at the expanse of the heavens created by the God that both of us love.
And to share:
To share what God has been teaching each of us
To wonder – and hope – that there is food in heaven :)
To share concerns with each other
In the book that I just finished reading the author says, “The gift of friendship among women is a treasure not to be taken lightly. … Friendships need to be nurtured and guarded and fought for. To have a women friend is to relax into another soul and be welcomed in all that you are and all that you are not.” We need to “listen between the lines.” When we do that and show love in the little ways “We offer our hearts.”
So, Thank you, Linda, for letting me help you paint, for Tiramisu Tuesday, for watching the heavens with me late one night last week, for praying, for pursuing, for being my friend.
I am blessed!

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