“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.” Ps. 78:4
These hands are mine. One with my Grandma Grace and one with my grandbaby Ruth Elizabeth. They are a picture of this verse from Psalms. A picture of one generation having an impact on the next for the glory of God.
We recently got to meet our granddaughter Ruth, who was born October 19th. What a joy to see our first grandchild. Those of you who are already grandparents, know what I mean. It is an emotion that is difficult to adequately put into words. When Josh first handed her to me I felt waves of emotion – thankfulness, joy, & praise to the giver of life.
It was so much fun to watch Lauren and Josh with Ruth - the seeming ease at which they have settled into the roll of “mom & dad”. To see them snuggling, talking and playing with her is heartwarming.
So, I’d like to introduce you to Ruth Elizabeth Vinson, my granddaughter.

The last morning we were together, I had time alone with Ruth Elizabeth. As I held her out before me in my arms, I prayed for her. I asked God’s blessing on her life and wisdom for Lauren and Josh as her Mom & Dad. I asked that God would use her to impact others for His kingdom. As I prayed quietly aloud, she stopped any moving around or fussing and just stared at me as though she were listening. It was a precious time.
Saying “good-bye” was never more difficult. We knew that it was time to go and I couldn’t keep the tears from coming.
Life is precious.
Family is a gift.
I wonder, will I have a granddaughter that will sit with me and hold my hand when I’m 90 years old? Who will smile if I forget her name?
Will I have made an impact on other’s lives like my grandmother did on mine?
I pray that this will be able to be said of Ruth –
“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother, Lois and in your mother, Eunice and I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” 2 Timothy 1:5
To read more about my grandmother see blog entry - June 22, 2006
1 comment:
This is so precious Brenda. I can't even imagine how hard it was to leave.
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