Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Week of Giving Thanks - Wednesday

You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name. Psalm 61:5b

I don’t think that one really understands the sacrifice of our parents until you become one yourself. It’s then and more so even now as a grandparent, that I look at situations and sometimes wish that I had been more sensitive to their needs or desires - to be more discerning about what I was or wasn’t doing and how that might affect them. I’m still learning and at times get myself so busy with my life that too much time goes by before I’ve really connected with them again.

I am so thankful to God for giving Dale and me the parents that we have. The first reason is written of in the verse above from Psalms. Both sets of parents love God and have set for us a standard. Dale and I were both brought up with regularly attending church and being involved in church activities. It wasn’t about whether I felt like going or not, it was just something that we always did. God used those things to turn our hearts to Him, helping us realize that we need Him to be our Redeemer & Savior.

Family and home have always been a priority for our parents. Birthday, holidays and special events were important and they were celebrated with family. Special traditions like little gifts at St. Nick’s Day or always having brats and hamburgers on Christmas are things that our boys grew up with.
Both parents were involved in the boy’s lives in so many different way, from taking them camping to teaching them woodworking skills. They’ve created memories for each of us to cherish.

I am so thankful for their willingness to share us. Those of you with both sides of the family in close proximity know that it’s hard to be at both homes at once. I can’t express how much that has meant to me knowing that they understand and are willing to work around schedules and busy times.

Hodding Carter, Jr. wrote:
"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings."

Both of our parents have blessed us with these.

I am thankful for all of you.

Thankful for your wisdom and direction over the years.

Thankful to God that you are here with us today.

Thankful for all that you’ve done for us and for what you mean to each of us.

I love you!

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