"I really like them."
"They don't seem like they're that old."
Several time a year the youth ministries of our church goes out in our small groups to serve others. It could be a neighbor, a widow, an older person -anywhere that we can go to help or to encourage someone else. Often it's raking, cleaning, pick up trash, etc...
Two weeks ago we had one of those service nights. There was probably 100 of us out around the church and the city. God blessed us with an unusually beautiful evening. Depending on where teens are serving, we encourage the groups to spend some time getting to know the ones they are helping.
For the first time, my group and Lyn's (another leader) went to Ed & Ruth's house, my Mom & Dad -in-law. Armed with rakes and tarps, 11 girls raked up a big load of leaves and pine needles. They worked hard raking it onto tarps and depositing it in the trailer. There was plenty of time for chatting, laughing and a stomping down dance in the trailer.
After the front yard was done and trailer filled, we headed into the house for introductions. On a 3 x 5 card, Ruth, (Mom-in-law) had the names of each of my girls. Every Fall she asks for the names of the girls in my group and then regularly prays for each of them. She was finally able to put a face to the name on the card and the girls were blessed to meet someone whom they didn't know and who was bringing them before our God in prayer. They heard the story of how Ed and Ruth met in Japan during WW II and of their 60 + years of marriage.
They have been such a blessing in my life, Ruth has been such role model for me as a mom-in-law.
It was in the car on the way back to church that the girls made the opening comments of this blog.
As I sat and reflected on their comments, it was as if I were seeing Ed & Ruth through the eyes of teenage girls who come from all different walks of life and differing family experiences. It was fun to listen and watch the interaction between all of them.
It made me smile as I saw the girls serve and come to appreciate a much older generation whom I love.
Mission Accomplished.
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