(Desiree & Adam) we headed up to YAA – Yellowstone Alliance Adventure camp where Josh and Lauren had worked last summer. The staff sets off fireworks for the campers that are there. Off in the distance we were able to see the fireworks display down in Bozeman.
We spent that night at Josh and Lauren’s. It was wonderful to meet little Anna Sierra. In the morning when we heard Ruth waking, I went up to get her. Later they brought Anna down and Dale and I had time alone with our grand-daughters while Josh and Lauren where able to sleep in.
Zach and Christina flew in from MI and we checked into the C’mon Inn where we shared a suite. A few times over the week we all went to the pool area which had a little kiddie pool that Ruth loved. Even in the big pool when her little lip would be quivering from being cold, she wanted to stay in the water and play.
It was a great place to sit and talk together and have fun watching Ruth. It’s a very interesting fact that we as adults can sit and be content just to watch little ones. At times there was no conversation going on, just watching. Maybe it’s just that we don’t get to see them very often and are trying to take it all in. Maybe it’s the innocence of youth or their excitement for even the little things in life. We very quickly became “Papa” and “Nana” instead of Grandpa & Grandma. Much easier for Ruth to say.
The week was filled with time spent together. Whether it was “Music on the Main” in Bozeman, eating at McKenzie River Pizza, hiking, the guys fishing and the women watching a movie, eating or being in the pool – we were together. One night we headed to the Farmer’s Market with the Ruth so that Josh and Lauren could go to their Bible study. It was wonderful to be able to help out and baby-sit along with Christina and Zach. There’s something about a little one’s hand grasping your finger as you walk along. I miss that already.
“Companionship” or “unified” according to Webster.
We were together
We were enjoying companionship
We are unified
We are family
We are blessed beyond measure