After a night in Mitchell, SD, where we had to at least go past the Corn Palace, we were on our way to Burgess Junction, WY.
Along the way we had beautiful scenery in the rugged mountain area.
Road construction made it interesting for a while and we watched as the temperature continued to drop.
Dale had done fly-fishing there in the past and had made reservations for us at Bear Lodge Resort in the Big Horn National Forest where a little rustic cabin awaited us.
"Little" and "rustic" are the words. There was no running water – which of course means no bathroom. I knew that ahead of time, but I incorrectly assumed that there was some sort of bathhouse nearby. We were shown where there were 2 bathrooms with a shower in them, off of the bar. There was another single shower near the pool and one regular bathroom. Those were for the restaurant/bar customers and us. After we were shown to our cabin, to be honest, I was a little taken aback. But, after taking a few moments to re-adjust my thinking and to be honest -my attitude, I was OK with it. I decided that I would enjoy it as something new.
It was sufficient. It was unique. And for the most part clean. I had mentioned to Dale that there were no cobwebs or spiders. Then Dale said, “And hopefully no critters.” I glanced at the ½” space under the door. Oh, boy, could be trouble there. We made sure that all of our food was left in the car.
Dale fished the North Tongue River. I came along for the experience of it and to take pictures. Cold, but not horrible. We were kept warm by walking in the waders and making our way through an area where there was no path, but plenty of beautiful wild flowers.
Now this “Resort” is not the type of place that I think of when I hear that word. This is more of a REAL western place. There were a lot of all terrain vehicles on trailers and 4-wheel drive trucks or jeeps. It is out in the middle of nowhere, Montana.
People were greeted as welcomed friends and any request we had was graciously answered.
We had an interesting talk with one of the morning cooks, Ol’ Mike. He was an interesting man who worked to keep his upper denture plate in place as he was telling us about his being there for over 20 years. Because the area is a“free range” area, he said, there will be 20+ horses tied up outside as the cowboys come in for a hamburger at lunch. It almost tempted me to stay just to see that. The bar part of the place even had the obligatory swinging ½ door.
Yup, the old West.
Glad that we stayed there.
Glad that it was only one night.
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