Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Very Good Week

After waving good-bye from the front porch, Dale and I went back into the house and sat together on the couch.
"It's so quiet." I whispered.
We sat in silence for a while looking at the toys which lay scattered on the floor.

We had just enjoyed a wonderful week with family. Zach and Isaac -his drummer- came late Sunday night. They were on a short music tour from Nashville to parts in the Midwest.
On Monday Josh, Lauren and the girls - Ruth and Anna
 got here after their long drive from Montana.
Aside from Skype calls, we hadn't seen them since August. It was so good to be together again and to get reacquainted with our grand-daughters.
 I was happy to feed them breakfast giving Lauren and Josh the rare opportunity to both sleep in.

Ruth enjoyed sleeping in a borrowed little tent.

It was fun being able to be Nana for the week.

We colored,





napped and at one point 5 of us chased each other around our kitchen island.
We went to hear Zach play at a local coffeehouse.

He wasn't feeling very well. He had come down with the cold, sinus stuff that so many around here are getting.
But, we always enjoy hearing him play.

The time went too quickly.

There were not enough books read.

Not enough hugs.

Not enough time to play.
 I've got to make up for lost time. 
And have enough to last until we see them again.

We're not sure when that will be, but I know
that it will not be soon enough. 

And the house is still too quiet.

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